Resources & FAQ

Get some information on how we help

Our occupational therapists help children, teens, adults and older adults by addressing difficulties they may be experiencing following an injury, change in their function, level of autonomy or other issue.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapists are regulated health professionals who aim to engage, empower and enable their clients to be able to complete their occupations and activities of daily living that they want, need and have to do.

Occupational therapists help facilitate the process that allow individuals to be able to complete their everyday to do’s independently and within an environment that is adapted to their needs. Occupational therapists will work one on one with their clients, their families and treating team to establish treatment goals and map out a plan that will allow for the attainment of therapy goals.

What can Occupational Therapy do for me?

Occupational therapists can help people following a life-changing event, an injury, illness, diagnosis, or change in function, by providing them with strategies and tools to be able to engage in meaningful activities and occupations.

Occupational therapists understand that part of living is being able to complete the things that have to be done (ex.: paying bills), need to be done (ex.: cleaning, laundry, meal preparation), and want to be done (ex.: gardening, playing a sport, socializing) in an environment that is fitting to their client’s abilities (ex.: accessible and barrier-free).

Occupational therapist will work with their clients to understand their unique occupations and activities, and together, and with their treating team, they will determine a plan that will facilitate goal attainment.

Occupational therapy interventions may include developing and learning a new skill or strategy, modifying and/or adapting the environment to allow the individual to safely, confidently and independently complete the occupations that they have, need and want to do.

How can I see an occupational therapist?

M-CARE accepts referrals directly from clients, families, health professionals, insurance companies, lawyers and others. Contact us for a complementary call with an occupational therapist to discuss your needs.

Are occupational therapy services covered by my provincial health plan?

Occupational therapy services through M-CARE are provided at a fee per service. You may be eligible to receive funding or coverage through your private insurance or if you qualify for government programs. A receipt for all services rendered will be provided.

How soon can I see an occupational therapist?

Once we receive your request for an appointment or referral, we will communicate with you within 24 business hours to book your first appointment.

How long will I need to see an occupational therapist?

Your occupational therapist will assess your needs and will work with you to develop a treatment plan which will include recommended frequency and duration of therapy sessions.

Occupational Therapy at Your Door

Our occupational therapists are available in Ottawa, Gatineau, Montreal and surrounding regions.

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